Thursday, August 21, 2014

Just 5 short of 2 Dozen Kids....

As the show begins, we hear the Mom, Michelle Duggar, begin the introductions of her kids, all 19, ''and YES, she delivered each one'' It's amazing to know that this woman has given birth to 19 kids, and also had some sad miscarriages along the way. But one must ask; Why? Why does she do this? Does she thinks it's her and her ''Wonderful'' husband, Jim-Bob's responsibility to single-handedly repopulate the earth? Does she think God put her on this earth to be a breeder? Her body is definitely trying to tell her that her childbearing years may be over. Can't they just be happy with the kids they've got? Apparently not, they still want more kids...
The couple had discussed the possibility of having more children, with Michelle Duggar saying:
''We would love more! I'm 43, almost 44 this September. I know that my mommy years are probably numbered, and I don't know how many more children God will see fit to give me. ... it is something we've been praying about because we do love children. Each child really is a gift and that doesn't mean just our children. We asked the Lord to give us a love of children the way He loves children. That is something that we've prayed about, and we'll just see what the Lord has in store for our family in the future.''

Another thing that bugs me about this family, is the fact that the Mother, Michelle, saying the word ''TRAINING'' repeatedly. Most parents wouldn't say that, most would say ''TEACHING''... You train animals, not kids. 

I'm in awe that the girls never wear anything but skirts...huh? The boys can't wear shorts. None of them dance. When they meet a possible life mate, they ''side hug'', or from watching a recent episode, when the girls hug Daddy Jim-Bob, they also ''side hug''. The ''Side hug'' is a way to show greeting, or meeting, but it's also so they won't get too personal. Also no kissing, hand-holding, and always have a chaperone when out on a date... It may seem to you that I hate this family. But, surprisingly, I like them. I may not agree with a lot of their methods. But I admire their relationship with the Lord. 

I want to Congratulate Jill Duggar-Dillard on her recent Marriage to Derick Dillard. Also, the newlyweds are expecting their first child in March, 2015. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

iJustine. Who is this vlogger?

So I have not posted anything for a while now, and I have a good reason: I didn't have anything to write about... But I do now.

All I am going to say is: Ball of pure energy! This lady has so serious energy, I think we can all agree on that. I've been researching Miss. iJ, and she is one talented woman. Appearing of TV shows like ''The Vampire Diaries'' and ''Criminal Minds''. She's very much down to earth... She is an Apple obsessed-energy drink drinking-vlogger who is not ashamed of anything she does. She is always embarrassing herself in public places, but she doesn't care, she loves to have fun. If you watch 1 or 1,000 of her vid's you'll perk right up. Case and point: 6 weeks ago, I was going thru a health crisis, and was really feeling down (diagnosed with MS), I logged onto YouTube to take my mind of shitty things, and happened upon iJustine. Within minutes I was laughing, and feeling much better. I started reading comments by fans, and I saw such hate from these viewers. So I played into it, leaving nasty comments about iJ, trying to get a rise out of some people, so I could point out that there were other making comments meaner than that of mine. I felt bad, because I didn't want iJ thinking I was against her, so I went back and deleted my mean remarks...

I want to send a shout out to Miss. iJ and invite her to do an interview for my blog... SO C'mon Justine. Let's chat... Don't worry I am not a stalker, and I am straight so I am not a perv... Stay happy ;-)

Monday, June 30, 2014

Meshach Taylor, dead at 67! 1947-2014

Meshach Taylor, Star of TV's ‘Designing Women,’ Dead at 67!

Emmy-nominated actor Meshach Taylor, who co-starred on the hit CBS sitcom “Designing Women,” has died at the age of 67 from cancer.
Taylor was in hospice care at his family's home in Altadena, Calif. He was surrounded by his wife, children and mother when he died on Saturday night, his son Tariq Taylor told the Los Angeles Times.
“It is with love and gratitude that we sorrowfully announce that our darling, amazingly brilliant and dynamic, Meshach, the incredible father, husband, son and friend has begun his grand transition,” the family wrote a day earlier on the actor's Facebook page.
Taylor played the lovable assistant Anthony Bouvier on “Designing Women.” The comedy about an outspoken feminist who ran a design firm out of her Atlanta home, ran from 1986 to 1993.
The series starred Dixie Carter, Delta Burke, Annie Potts and Jean Smart; and aired for seven seasons. Over the years, it was nominated for a string of awards including two Golden Globes, and it won an Emmy in 1988 for Outstanding Achievement in Hairstyling.
In 1989, Taylor was nominated for an Emmy Award in the Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series category.
During his career, Taylor had roles in a string of TV shows including Nickelodeon's “Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide,” “Dave's World,” “The Incredible Hulk,” and “ALF,” according to his IMDB page.
He also played the flamboyant window dresser Hollywood Montrose in the 1987 cult classic film ”Mannequin.”
Taylor was born in Boston on April 11, 1947. In 1978, he moved to California to pursue an acting career in Hollywood.
A graduate of Florida A&M University, Taylor married Bianca Ferguson in 1983.
He is survived by his widow Bianca; daughters Tamar Taylor, Esme Taylor, Yasmine Taylor, son Tariq Taylor, and four grandchildren. Meshach Taylor was 67.

Disclaimer: I am not the author of this article, credit goes to Yahoo!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer???

I consider myself a friendly person by nature, but I sometimes can not get along with a certain member of my family, we'll call her 'Charlotte'. Charlotte and I grew up together, she is 2 years older than I. We used to be so close, and did almost everything together. Now she's got a beau whom nobody can stand. Her parents despise him, he's 5 years younger than her too. Here's the thing, on occasion, Charlotte and I will find ourselves in the same room, she makes idle conversation, and we begin to act as though we're the best of buds, again. Soon after we're apart, she begins spreading lies. She's gone so far as to tell her beau that I am Gay! I'm not, but that doesn't stop them from spreading these vicious lies. I've told my parents, they say to ''Let it Go!'' or ''She's just trying to get under your skin'' or, my personal fave: ''She's just jealous''! OK, Why are parents always trying to make the situation better by making you feel uncertain??? Believe you me, I've gotten into many fights with the parents on this matter, only to have the lego's blocks come tumbling down upon my head! Because she's family, she's blood, she's your best friend... NO, she's a BITCH! Oh yeah, that felt so good to say.

Am I wrong? Am I stupid? Am I losing every ounce of my mind? How can I always be at fault? Leave me some comments, or some helpful critique! I'd love to hear from you, if there are any of you who read my blog's... Are y'all out there? Raise your hand peeps!!! Oh I see you, no that was just a ghost...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Why remake a Classic?

Ralph Macchio as Daniel LaRusso in 1984's
''Karate Kid''
Some movies of recent times, are acceptable, but others are pathetic. OR they seem to not want to try anything new, and go back to the 80's and REMAKE a classic, i.e the NEWEST ''Karate Kid'' with Jaden Smith. Now I am not a racist, but this original was about an italian kid, from New Jersey, named Daniel LaRusso. In the new one it's a black kid, and it's not even Karate, its Kung-Fu... confused? I am too. When the remake was released Aly Morita, Pat Morita's daughter, called to boycott the film saying: “I'm asking for them not to pay to see it in a movie theater, wait for the DVD or Netflix,” she said on her Facebook boycott page. “Be conscious of where the money is going.” I agree with her. I am angered that they remaking the sequel, and I hope Ralph Macchio doesn't take it this time. To me, and to everyone else, he is Daniel LaRusso, and forever will be. 

If they ever remake ''Back to the Future'' (or try), I'm protesting. No one else could even come close to the Marty McFly that Michael J. Fox portrayed...

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Fifty Shades of Yummy... I mean Grey, yeah, thats what I meant... *Gulp*

So, I am getting into the game a bit late. But I am glad I finally read the books. If my mother only knew what these books are about... I'm glad I use a pseudonym when I blog, otherwise, there would be hell to pay. I'm over 21 and all, but we're all our parent's little babies. 

Let me say this, I want to be Anastasia Steele, and I'll take Matt Bomer as Christian Grey or Matt Cohen, or maybe Ryan Gosling. This is not a book anyone can read in a crowded room, I tried and was embarrassed by the looks I got, I'm sure my moaning didn't help either... I'm losing it here. Ok, the ''50 Shades'' trilogy deals with Sex, erotic, steamy, holy-mother-of-God-screaming-moaning-groaning sex. It's kind of the embarassment to read, and is not something to read aloud. I thought people were exaggerating about this trilogy being touted as ''Mommy porn'', huh I was wrong, it's porn, and it's not bad either. Women need  something to let the tension off, so to speak, men can find their disgusting pic's & vid's all over the net (my boyfriend does, all the time. I think he's addicted to be honest). But this series gives women a fantasy man to, well, fantasize about, again men do it all the time when they're picturing a Victoria's Secret model or a Playmate. No I don't agree with all the dominant crap, men are already TOO dominant, and controlling... It's definitely not ''Good clean fun'' either, but it's actually a really good read. 

You have a very innocent girl, who is naive about everything. Until she meets Mr. Grey, who is smart, sexy, and looks hot in a T-Shirt, and jeans... They begin a romance, actually they begin something more, but ''romance'' is the only word I've got for it right now. She begins to feel that he's more than he lets on, and is also hiding a lot from her. I won't go into details, there are still a few women still living under a rock, and have yet to read this. 

Now, if you'll excuse me I am going to grab a quick COLD shower!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dress code, anyone? Anyone? Bueller.......

Proper way to dress for an interview!
When I was applying for jobs when I was younger, I was always told to dress to impress! And I did, and it worked. But, nowadays its as though no one is trying. Showing up for an interview in shorts and a ''holey'' t-shirt, is suddenly acceptable attire to  wear for interviews, or if you're lucky to GET the job, you show up everyday, basically in your PJ's. It's not right. I work at a bank, and as a teller, I am required to dress nicely, not a ball gown, but nicely. Because people are going to see you, and treat you based on what you're wearing. For example, if you're wearing a nice suit, or dress, people will treat you with respect. If you're dressed like a slob, you'll be treated as such. 

Let's say you work for an answering service, and no one will hardly ever see you, and one day you show up wearing you PJ pant, and you must use the ladies (or mens) room. You walk out, not knowing people will see you. There you are, wearing your ''Sunday best'', meaning holes in the crotch, and people are staring at you. Same way if you dress as a tramp! Since when did it become OK to dress this way. Maybe at home, where no one-but you- sees you. But when you're in the corporate world, you must have some level of respect for your employers and or employees.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Settle, settle people. I am making my opinion heard, and believe it or not, people actually agree with me. I won't name names though. Let me say this to my readers (are you out there readers, speak up) I am Pro- SB 1070. And let me inform you as to why I am for it. Illegals are here-surprise-illegally. The Senate Bill is not about racial profiling, it's to keep illegals out of our country. They should go through the same process as other immigrants, become a citizen, legally, if you choose to be here any other way, I hope they kick your @$$ out. And as they kick said @$$ out, I hope they sing loud and proud: 'HIT THE ROAD JACK AND DON'T YA' COME BACK NO MORE!!!' OK, that was a little on the harsh side. But Americans are suffering in poverty now, because all of the illegals get the jobs that American men and women are begging for. It's plain and simple people. You're too blind to see it. You're all so focused on being tolerant and well meaning that you're missing the REAL picture. We're losing our rights as Americans.

Spanish should be an elective, something to CHOOSE. No, it's a mandatory class. Heck, some schools are teaching half day in spanish and half the day in english. This country is catering to the Hispanic people, while leaving the American people out, telling them to eat the scraps left behind. Frankly, I am sick of going into some stores and hearing half the ad's in SPANISH. WTF? Not right, as American's we should speak up, boycott the stores that cater to the illegals and play their ad's in SPANISH.

I have not intention of offending any one person, I am a person, and I happen to have strong views on things like this. I am not against the Mexican people, no, some of my friends are of Hispanic heritage. And two of my pals are from Mexico, but they are here legally. They agree with me, and encouraged me to write this blog post...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Enough is enough, already!

Raise your hand if you're tired of the ''Gay Shippers'' out there? Raise your hand if you don't know what I'm talking about... OK, put your hands down. So, for those of you who are not aware of this stupid trend, I'll enlighten you. Gay Shipping is where fans write fanfic about two characters (both the same sex, hence Gay) and wonder what it would be like if those two happened to ''get together'' on the show, keep in mind these characters are straight to begin with. No matter if the two characters happen to be brothers or sisters on the show. Take, for example, the TV show ''Supernatural'' (SPNFamily). The fans call this ''Wincest'' because the brothers' last name is ''Winchester'' and for two brothers or sisters should happen to have sex, it's called incest. Totally disgusting and disturbing. But these people actually dream about two characters getting it on no matter the sex, or relationship (i.e related to one another). Eww!

Let me say, this completely ruins it for me, and probably others too, others who are too afraid of losing brownie points for speaking up.  Guess what world, I AM NOT AFRAID! Not anymore. I am speaking my mind, and making my opinion count for something on the interweb.

In a recent interview with a former SPNFamily member, Katie Lynd, stated that her disgust kept growing and eventually lead to her leaving the fanbase altogether. She deleted her Twitter account, and won't look back. She made a lot of great friends, but as she said ''I can't in good conscious, keep talking to these people. They think they've done nothing wrong, like being Gay is OK, and I can't tolerate it anymore.'' She tried to be tolerant, for the sake of her friends and kept her tongue, until recently, when she made a comment sharing her anger over the matter and she was shot down, and told to ''SHUT IT''! Her opinion was shot down, point blank.

So let me ask you this. We're supposed to be a more tolerant world, OK. Then why can't the Gay's and supporters be tolerant of our opinions too???

Monday, May 26, 2014

Young Hollywood, too young? YES!

Demi Lovato

Yes, Young Hollywood is too dang young, and they prove it everyday by acting like little idiots. Their so called drama, is getting old. These twits need to have a serious ''come to Jesus meeting''. Their parent need to stop loving the fame & fortune, and take some much needed action in the childrens lives. Now I am not just talk about Justin Bieber, Lord knows that would take an entity all it's own. I am talking about Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato. Miley Cyrus is beyond the help of therapy, no that girl needs Jesus. Let's talk Demi for a second, shall we?! She actually checked herself into a rehab facility to confront "physical and emotional issues"! Really? She's the epitome of a ''Drama Queen''. And this little girl actually has fans, standing by her saying pretty much the same thing as when Britney [Spears'] life was in turmoil "Leave Demi alone''. Why? She wants her 15 minutes of fame and she got it. But, you've got to give the Devil her do I guess, she did take 100% responsibility for her horrid little actions. And I am praying that she DOES get her life in order. Demi, some advice from this little Know it all blogger: Cut the toxic people out of your life and you might just have a third chance at a career. 

In my day, when young actor's or actresses graced out screens, they looked to be enjoying their fun life, and I wanted to be exactly like them. They were the role models for the young girls out there. With Demi, and Selena, and others like them. They're supposed to be role models for the young girls to look up to. They're not role models, at best they're examples of a Latchkey kid. Parent's tell your girls & boys that these people are not great influences