Sunday, August 3, 2014

iJustine. Who is this vlogger?

So I have not posted anything for a while now, and I have a good reason: I didn't have anything to write about... But I do now.

All I am going to say is: Ball of pure energy! This lady has so serious energy, I think we can all agree on that. I've been researching Miss. iJ, and she is one talented woman. Appearing of TV shows like ''The Vampire Diaries'' and ''Criminal Minds''. She's very much down to earth... She is an Apple obsessed-energy drink drinking-vlogger who is not ashamed of anything she does. She is always embarrassing herself in public places, but she doesn't care, she loves to have fun. If you watch 1 or 1,000 of her vid's you'll perk right up. Case and point: 6 weeks ago, I was going thru a health crisis, and was really feeling down (diagnosed with MS), I logged onto YouTube to take my mind of shitty things, and happened upon iJustine. Within minutes I was laughing, and feeling much better. I started reading comments by fans, and I saw such hate from these viewers. So I played into it, leaving nasty comments about iJ, trying to get a rise out of some people, so I could point out that there were other making comments meaner than that of mine. I felt bad, because I didn't want iJ thinking I was against her, so I went back and deleted my mean remarks...

I want to send a shout out to Miss. iJ and invite her to do an interview for my blog... SO C'mon Justine. Let's chat... Don't worry I am not a stalker, and I am straight so I am not a perv... Stay happy ;-)

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