Raise your hand if you're tired of the ''Gay Shippers'' out there? Raise your hand if you don't know what I'm talking about... OK, put your hands down. So, for those of you who are not aware of this stupid trend, I'll enlighten you. Gay Shipping is where fans write fanfic about two characters (both the same sex, hence Gay) and wonder what it would be like if those two happened to ''get together'' on the show, keep in mind these characters are straight to begin with. No matter if the two characters happen to be brothers or sisters on the show. Take, for example, the TV show ''Supernatural'' (SPNFamily). The fans call this ''Wincest'' because the brothers' last name is ''Winchester'' and for two brothers or sisters should happen to have sex, it's called incest. Totally disgusting and disturbing. But these people actually dream about two characters getting it on no matter the sex, or relationship (i.e related to one another). Eww!
Let me say, this completely ruins it for me, and probably others too, others who are too afraid of losing brownie points for speaking up. Guess what world, I AM NOT AFRAID! Not anymore. I am speaking my mind, and making my opinion count for something on the interweb.
In a recent interview with a former SPNFamily member, Katie Lynd, stated that her disgust kept growing and eventually lead to her leaving the fanbase altogether. She deleted her Twitter account, and won't look back. She made a lot of great friends, but as she said
''I can't in good conscious, keep talking to these people. They think they've done nothing wrong, like being Gay is OK, and I can't tolerate it anymore.'' She tried to be tolerant, for the sake of her friends and kept her tongue, until recently, when she made a comment sharing her anger over the matter and she was shot down, and told to ''SHUT IT''! Her opinion was shot down, point blank.
So let me ask you this. We're supposed to be a more tolerant world, OK. Then why can't the Gay's and supporters be tolerant of our opinions too???